kodomo No Ie

Saturday Japanese Class News

April 2010

1: Class I & II
2: Class III
3: Lower Grade
4: Middle Grade
5: Upper Grade
6: Middle School

April Theme: Spring

Class I & II

Study Objectives:

- The students will learn to write their names in strong strokes by holding the pencils with proper postures.
- They will enjoy playing with their friends and teachers.

Learning Activities:

- The students will learn to sit up straight as they write words.
- They will learn how to hold and write with pencils.
- They will make cards about themselves and will use them to introduce themselves to others.
- They will make origami spring flowers.
- They will learn Japanese words that describe familiar things in their surroundings using hiragana cards.

Vocabulary and Grammar:

They will collect words starting with Sa, Shi, Su, Se, So, and learn the correct strokes and careful writing of those words.

Class III

Study Objectives:

- The students will try to tell stories about what they have seen and/or heard in ways that the listeners understand.
- They will also try to write simple essays about what they have seen and/or heard.

Learning Activities:

- The students will enjoy exploring the school’s new playground and garden.
- They will talk to each other about their feelings about the new changes seen at school.

Vocabulary and Grammar:

… ga Arimashita, … ga Imashita, … wo Mitsukemashita, … ga doudatta.

Lower Grade

Study Objectives:

- The students will learn to express in Japanese what they experience with their five senses.
- They will learn the words that they can use to explain a sentence in details to others.

Learning Activities:

- The students will complete the project of making takuan (dried and pickled white radish).
- They will explore the school to find objects and phenomena that are related to spring.
- They will look for opposites.

Vocabulary and Grammar:

- Vocabulary -
hand, foot, ear, mouth, life, air, ki, grass
- Expression Forms -
Flowers are blooming, birds are singing, I smell flowers, I walk fast, I walk slowly, etc.

Middle Grade

Study Objectives:

- Comprehend the story line and think about friends
- Understand action words that express movements and action and be able to use them
- Be able to explain the process of making “Takuwan” pickles in Japanese

Learning Activities:

- Read “Mittsu no onegai (three wishes)”
- Read aloud sentences with proper breaks to effectively express the original intent of the story. Be able to identify and understand compound words.
- Marinate the dried Daikon for Takuwan pickle

Vocabulary and Grammar:

- Vocabulary -
Kanau, Suwari naosu, yare yare to kubi wo furu, aratamatte yobu, tobi agaru, tobidashite yuku, suibun, hosu, tsukeru etc.

Upper Grade

Study Objectives:

- Be able to guess the approximate air temperature is by using senses.
- Have a rough understanding of the relationship between Celsius and Fahrenheit, and be able to determine things like “it is hot when the temperature is above X degrees Celsius”.
- Be able to plot collected data using appropriate graph type
- Be able to read simple data that are expressed in the forms of bar and line graphs.
- Be able to compare, generate questions and discuss data that are provided.

Learning Activities:

- Observe and record atmospheric temperature.
- Read weather forecast information and weather maps
- Read temperature and precipitation graphs
- Generate temperature and precipitation graphs from data. Compare and discuss the date and the generated graphs.
- Read materials that cover four seasons

Vocabulary and Grammar:

- Vocabulary -
Shiki, Kisetsu, kikou, tenki, ondo, ondo kei, sesshi, kashi, bou gurafu, ore sen gurafu, haru ichiban, kaze, sakura, shitsudo, kousui ryou, mushi atsui
- Expressions -
~ku naru (e.g. takaku naru, hikuku naru, samuku naru, atsuku naru, tsuyoku naru)

Middle School

Study Objectives:

- Investigate how local entities (school or local communities) recycle their waste and present in class.
- Be able to explain what kind of environmental problems exist in the world and discuss what measures different countries employ and the impact of these measures (impact level)
- Think about the actions that he/she can take to protect the environment and understand that by putting these ideas into action, he/she can contribute to the protection of environment
- Be able to read a multiple-stage material on environmental problems (global warming, waste problem etc.) and understand the context and the cause of the problem.
- Be able to read and write major vocabulary used in the discussion of environmental problems in Kanji

Learning Activities:

- Write a multiple-stage essay about how to save the earth based on the observation of abnormal weather and increasing temperature both in Japan and the rest of the world.
- Investigate and present how the local entities recycle
- Read material on environmental issues
- Compare and contrast the way waste is sorted in Japan (by looking at a Japanese waste sorting chart) and in their local community
- Create a poster with the theme “Protect the earth”

Vocabulary and Grammar:

- Vocabulary -
Kankyou mondai, osen, shigen, bunbetsu, kanen gomi, funen gomi, shuu shuu, plastic, bin, akikan, furugami/koshi, recycle, sodai gomi, youki, denchi, pet bottle, yuugai, kinzoku, nisanka tanso, ozon sou, hakai, sanso etc.
- Expressions -
~shi yasui / ~shi nikui
~ to kotonari
~ reru/ ra reru (passive)


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