kodomo No Ie

Saturday Japanese Class News

June 2010

1: Class I & II
2: Class III
3: Lower Grade
4: Middle Grade
5: Upper Grade
6: Middle School

Class I & II

Review and Summary for this school year

- Learn how to use facilities at school and follow the rules / Get to know classmates and have fun playing with them / Have a good posture and hold a pencil properly / Develop interest in learning Japanese character "Hiragana"
- Write Hiragana with proper pressure
- Develop interest in different types of workers, and appreciate their works / Appreciate the Autumn harvest, develop interest in vegetables and fruits
- Learn the names of familiar things using flashcards and origami / Identify Hiraganas they have learned before in the class in a picture book
- Write Hiragana neatly with proper pressure on the pencil
- Learn the origin of Christmas and enjoy crafts and the activities relating to Christmas
- Celebrate New Year with friends / Enjoy traditional Japanese New Year's games with them
- Learn the origin of Momo no Sekku (Girls' Festival) and Tango no Sekku (Boys' Festival) / Enjoy Mamemaki (Throwing beans) for Setsubun
- Sing songs at the stage on the performance day / Write Hiraganas they have studied previously with proper writing pressure
- Write their names neatly with firm pressure

Class III

Review and Summary for this school year

- Understand the meaning of signs posted at the school yard and in the classroom / Develop interest in vegetable at the garden and learn the names of the vegetables / Develop interest in Halloween activities
- Write the names, sizes, colors of vegetables in Hiragana / Make a craft with leaves and acorns
- Summary for vegetables they have learned (categories, colors, sizes, flavors) / Develop interest in Christmas story / Write a letter to Santa Clause
- Learn the rules of traditional Japanese New Year's games, have fun playing those games with friends / Develop interest in the oriental zodiac signs / Learn key words relating Japanese New Year and Mochitsuki
- Continue to study Katakana ( They started studying Katakana at the end of January )
- Develop interest in Setsubun through Setsubun activity ( Mamemaki )
- Develop interest in Hinamatsuri / Learn how to use Katakana / Practice for the performance day
- Talk to other students in Japanese about what they've seen or what they've heard and write simple sentences

Lower Grade

Review and Summary for this school year

- Pronounce Japanese clearly / keep the right posture when they write / Write Hiragana and Katakana neatly
- Write Japanese characters with good balance, proper proportion ( important to master this for learning Kanji later )
- Roll play in Japanese (one is the clerk, another is the customer) / Make a flyer and write a thank you cards to those who have come to shop
- Write a few sentences about their experience at the Candy House event, and read them / Observe how daikon seeds grow in the garden / Read poems and sing songs
- Learn key words relating to Japanese New Year's games / Learn the words that have opposite meanings / Learn how to describe procedure to complete a task and write them in Japanese
- Read and write simple sentences (Subject + Verb) / Make a sentence with words such as "At first", "Next", "At last"
- Hear the difference between "は/わ", "を/お", ”へ/え", and write them right
- Tell the family in Japanese how Takuan is made from Daikon during Takuan Project
- The Performance Day: Each student makes a presentation on the stage, speaking Japanese clearly
- Express in Japanese what they experience with their five senses / Learn words that explain the detail

Middle Grade

Review and Summary for this school year

- Describe the Halloween costumes they have seen or worn before, or draw those costumes by listening to the description.
- Write a "Candy House" invitation card to KNI students and a thank you card to those who have come to the event.
- Observe daikons in the garden and keep a memo ( weather, temperature) / Learn how the plant grows and deepen understanding of life
- Read materials aloud with proper breaks ( Reading materials: Ari no gyoretsu ( Ants Go Marching), 162 hiki no kamakiri (162 mantises), Hatake no mimizu ( Worms in the garden), Mittsu no omega (Three wishes
- Understand kanji, compound words, onomatopoeic words, imitative words, adverbs in reading materials / Dictate short sentences while paying attention to prolonged sounds, assimilated words
- Enjoy Japanese traditional activities ( New Year's party, Setsubun, Tango no sekku) and expand vocabulary and expression of order words while playing games or folding origami
- Look up kanji in the kanji dictionary using the number of strokes (The students had been studying how to count strokes of new kanjis since September)
- Choose a favorite kanji, research the kanji's origin, and make a presentation on the stage

Upper Grade

Review and Summary for this school year

- Learn the origin of Halloween from Halloween-related materials, and explain orally to the class / Make a lantern by reading the instruction in Japanese / Write the instruction how to make a lantern in Japanese / Make a flyer asking for goodie donation and write a thank you card / Calculate the profit
- Make a comparison between American Christmas and Japanese one, and tell the class which one is better and the reasons / Copy what they have learned
- Learn that there should be a beginning, middle, and end when writing a story / Read a story, and write the content by their own words / Learn the origin of Osechi ( Japanese New Year's meal )
- Learn Japanese geography ( name and location of islands) / Read and understand visual materials, compare them and point out similarities and differences
- Learn Japanese geography ( Recognize the shape and location of eight regions / Learn the names of the oceans and countries surrounding Japan / Learn the size of Japan)
- Join the discussion in class when making a decision, and cooperate with others
- Have a rough idea of the relationship between Celsius and Fahrenheit / Guess the approximate air temperature / Have a general idea of the temperature, for example, “it is hot when the temperature is above X degrees Celsius”.
- Plot collected data using appropriate graph type / Read simple data that are expressed in the forms of bar and line graphs / Compare, generate questions, and discuss data that are provided

Middle School

Review and Summary for this school year

- Use Internet to research about Halloween and get necessary information / Learn key words and expression relating to Halloween in Japanese
- Learn different type of writing styles for different purpose (writing a letter, a report, etc…) / Make a comparison between Japan and America regarding how people spend time around the new year, find the similar customs, different ones / Write a couple of paragraphs about familiar cultures, compare and analyze them
- Research Japanese New Year's dishes, note the difference by region or periods of times, and analyze why those differences were made
- Use Internet to research the differences in the way of cooking Zoni by different regions, and collect necessary information
- Identify different regions in Japan / Prepare and present a research report to the class (1, compare climate and temperature in California and in Japan, also compare different seasons in Japan, and discuss how the climates and seasons produce certain geographical features and may also shape the cultures of the lands 2, Collect data from the graphs of annual precipitation and temperature, understand them, and explain them to other students 3, Study the climate of various regions of japan and of different countries in the world outside the us, and make brief oral or written presentation 4, Read and write the main vocabularies of the subject using Kanji)
- Read and write key words of environmental issues in Kanji
- Discuss what they should do for the performance day, tell other students ideas, listen to others' opinions, and cooperate with other
- Research how KNI or local communities recycle their waste and make a presentation in class / Explain what kind of environmental issues exist all over the world, what measures other countries employ / Think about what we can do to protect environment, and taking actions / Read multiple paragraphs of environmental issues ( global warming, waste problems, etc.), and understand the context and the cause of the problems / Read and write key words relating to environmental issues


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